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Network Protocol

Channels / Topics

The framework uses Redis message broker for all communication. The following channels are used:

  • command: Send high-level commands to the bot (e.g. play, stop).
  • state: Broadcast the current state of the game (e.g. joined, playing, won, lost).
  • gameUpdate: Broadcast turn-by-turn game update deltas.
  • action: Actions taken by the bot sent to the IO adapter (game server).
  • recommendation: Action recommendations to communicate intended actions.
  • deconflict: Used to prevent multiple instances of a singleton component (e.g. IO adapter).
  • turn: Clock signal during a game to enable other components to synchronize.
  • discovery: Discover components for plug-and-play components (currently unused).

Data Structures

The following data structures are used:

  • Game: Data types related to the game, such as the current phase and type of game, and the current state of the game.
  • GeneralsIO: Data types used for server communication defined by the game developers.
  • RedisData: Redis events and persistent data, such as commands, actions, recommendations, and game state.
  • Config: Bot configuration elements, such as game and Redis settings.

See details for each type in the types definition file.

Persistent Data in Redis

The framework computes the game state at each turn and stores this information persistently in Redis during a game to enable components to access the shared state on demand. The following information is persisted during the game and overwritten when a new game starts.

  • replay_id: The unique ID of the game used to retrieve the replay data.
  • turn: The current turn number.
  • width, height, size: Dimensions of the game grid.
  • playerIndex: The player's index.
  • teams: Team assignments for all players.
  • scores: Scoreboard of all players.
  • usernames: List of usernames of all players.
  • chat_room: Unique ID for the chat room associated with this game.
  • armies: Location of armies at each tile.
  • ownGeneral: Location of player's own general.
  • enemyGeneral: Location of enemy's general.
  • terrain: The terrain of the game grid.
  • cities: Location of cities on the game grid.
  • ownTiles: List of tiles owned by the player.
  • enemyTiles: List of tiles that belong to other players.
  • discoveredTiles: List of tiles that have been discovered.

The framework also aggregates turn-by-turn data for later analysis that is maintained after the game ends. The following lists contain aggregated data:

  • scores: The scores of the players.
  • maxArmyOnTile: The maximum army anywhere on the map.
  • moveCount: The count of moves made thus far.
  • replays: Replay IDs of all games played.

Performance Considerations

The framework is designed to be highly performant, but several factors can impact performance:

  • Network Latency: As the framework uses a Redis message broker for communication, network latency can affect the responsiveness of the bot. It is recommended to use a Redis server that is geographically close to the bot and game server.
  • Concurrency: The framework supports concurrent execution of actions through topic-based channels. However, care must be taken to avoid conflicting actions that can overwhelm the game server.
  • Redis Performance: The performance of the Redis server directly impacts the performance of the framework. Host Redis on a machine with sufficient memory to ensure minimal latency.
  • AI Complexity: More complex AI algorithms can take longer to compute actions. Consider the game speed and the impact of the latency on the responsiveness of the bot.